Artificial intelligence as a fundamental tool in management of infectious diseases and its current implementation in COVID-19 pandemic

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Artificial intelligence as a fundamental tool in management of infectious diseases and its current implementation in COVID-19 pandemic

25, May 2021 |


Kaur Behl L. Aleya H. Rahman A. Kumar S. Arora I.J. Bulbul


The world has never been prepared for global pandemics like the COVID-19, currently posing an immense threat to the public and consistent pressure on the global healthcare systems to navigate optimized tools, equipments, medicines, and techno-driven approaches to retard the infection spread. The synergized outcome of artificial intelligence paradigms and human-driven control measures elicit a significant impact on screening, analysis, prediction, and tracking the currently infected individuals, and likely the future patients, with precision and accuracy, generating regular international and national data on confirmed, recovered, and death cases, as the current status of 3,820,869 infected patients worldwide. Artificial intelligence is a frontline concept, with time- saving, cost-effective, and productive access to disease management, rendering positive results in physician assistance in high workload conditions, radiology imaging, computational tomography, and database formulations, to facilitate availability of information accessible to researchers all over the globe. The review tends to elaborate the role of industry 4.0 technology, fast diagnostic procedures, and convolutional neural networks, as artificial intelligence aspects, in potentiating the COVID-19 management criteria and differentiating infection in SARS-CoV-2 positive and negative groups. Therefore, the review success- fully supplements the processes of vaccine development, disease management, diagnosis, patient records, transmission inhibi- tion, social distancing, and future pandemic predictions, with artificial intelligence revolution and smart techno processes to ensure that the human race wins this battle with COVID-19 and many more combats in the future.