Developing Appropriate Health Messaging for Urban and Rural Populations

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Developing Appropriate Health Messaging for Urban and Rural Populations

29, April 2020 | Bangladesh


Ishrat Jahan Sabina Faiz Rashid


The following research brief analyses the data of 1309 respondents who par�cipated in the COVID-19 rapid survey conducted by the BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health (BRAC JPGSPH), BRAC University. The survey was ini�ated on April 6, 2020 and focused on socio-cultural understandings of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) amongst the urban and rural popula�ons of Bangladesh. We randomly selected samples from several surveys (RMG survey, Bhansentek survey and NNS survey) conducted by the BRAC JPGSPH. These surveys covered a wide range of popula�on groups like: RMG workers, residents from informal se�lements, rural poor, adolescents, adult men and women. Considering the current situa�on, the rapid survey was conducted over the phone and each survey took 45 minutes to complete on average. Informed verbal consent was taken from each respondent prior to the interview.