Front Line Health Workers’ (FLWs) Perceptions and Opinions on their Personal Safety while Attending Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 Patients in Bangladesh

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Front Line Health Workers’ (FLWs) Perceptions and Opinions on their Personal Safety while Attending Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 Patients in Bangladesh

15, April 2020 | Bangladesh


Professor Syed Professor Syed Masud Ahmed Mir Raihanul Islam Dr. Bushra Zarin Islam Md. Zakir Hossain Pinto Dr Zarin Tasnim Samiun Nazrin Bente Kamal Tune Ahmed Mir Raihanul Islam Dr. Bushra Zarin Islam Md. Zakir Hossain Pinto Dr Zarin Tasnim Sa


HIGHLIGHTS: • 60 FLWs of various categories and levels from 14 districts and 43 ins�tu�ons par�cipated in the telephone survey; • The FLWs were unequivocal about the necessity of using PPEs for suspected/confirmed COVID-19 pa�ents since the country is in community transmission phase with asymptoma�c cases, and pa�ents are hiding facts; • The FLWs want proper protec�on (PPE and others) for handling pa�ents (suspected or confirmed) in preference to monetary incen�ves as declared by the Prime Minister; they also appeared scep�cal about its jus�fied distribu�on • Concerns for spreading the infec�on to family members is precipita�ng mental health problems for the FLWs which needs to be addressed urgently • Majority of the respondents were not happy about the role played by the different professionalassocia�ons; • The respondents had the consensus that this current chao�c situa�on could have been avoided if coordinated and focused ac�ons would have been taken in the lead �me since WHO ‘s declara�on of global health emergency • The respondents suggested to implement a 7/14 model (7 days of dut followed by 14 days of quaran�ne and rest to re-energize following the Wuhan experience) of roster and rota�on of FLWs • All types and levels of FLWs did not get the needed standard training on COVID-19 management and preven�on which is largely lacking • Country intensive and focused country wide IEC campaign on basics of the disease and preven�ve measures to allay anxiety, fear and s�gma; us of legal measures if and when necessary