Moral distress among healthcare providers and mistrust among patients during COVID-19 in Bangladesh

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Moral distress among healthcare providers and mistrust among patients during COVID-19 in Bangladesh

27, August 2020 | Bangladesh


Hossain F.


The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world through its first wave, and we have yet to experience the second wave. Even resourceful countries have failed to ad- equately prevent epidemics in their country, and for countries like Bangladesh, which already has strained an ineffective healthcare system, the challenges to contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus are that much more severe. Due to the scarcity of resources and systematic failures the Bangladeshi people deeply mistrust the healthcare system. The mistrust is further magnified as healthcare providers are hesitant to treat the patients because of the lack of proper protective gear. Physicians have a moral obli- gation to serve and treat patients; however, they have a moral obligation to protect their families. This dilemma places healthcare providers in situations where they ex- perience moral distress. This article specifically discusses the importance of interper- sonal relationships in driving change, using the framework of Responsiveness, while stating the need for complementary systematic change in order to rebuild trust in the Bangladeshi healthcare system.